Since the beginning of mankind, the circle has reigned supreme as perhaps the most recognizable shape of them all.
(We’ll give the Sun and Moon a hat tip for that).
In today’s modern world – specifically when it comes to advertising and marketing – circles in the form of Venn Diagrams can convey the message that a business is unified and strong and tending to the wants and needs of its consumers. Or, conversely, they can show how a company is completely out of whack and totally disconnected from its audience and goals.
Here at Plan B, we thought we’d have some fun with circles by creating a few Venn Diagrams that take a tongue-in-cheek look at what’s expected in our industry vs. the hilarity of how things actually are … or aren’t. Check out our Venn Diagrams below, and let us know what you think!
We’ll make sure to circle back on it.
The smartest consumers can always sniff out a trap.
You can’t always trust what social media serves up.
Hey, we’re advertising geniuses not genies.
But we shine bright under any circumstances. ????