These days it’s hard to escape attaching an emotion, wish, joke or dislike to a meme. And if you’ve been holed up without access to the Internet for the past year, a meme \ˈmēm\ is an element of culture or behavior passed electronically from one Internet user to another. It is often an image or video with a phrase that can comically be associated with the subject. Since staying up to date with digital culture is tantamount to success in our industry, we’ve adopted a way to express ourselves strictly through memes. Here are the Top 11 memes of 2012 that best describe advertising culture:
11. How we get through last minute presentations
10. How we react to an idea getting shot down
9. How we treat our favorite clients
8. So there are no hurt feelings in the office, we just use this good-looking guy as our MVP
7. How we look and what we say on the inside when negotiating budgets
6. How the rest of the world looks at the advertising world made up of creative and account
5. Our Social Team has been saying this for years
4. How you can catch half of us looking before lunch
3. The inspiration for Plan B’s tag “evolve at the speed of change”
2. Our holiday party promo
1. Framed on all of our desks for inspiration