Being socially connected is part of our business, so its not surprising that here at Plan B, we’ve seen more than a few companies and public figures fall victim to easily avoidable social media gaffes. What we don’t understand is why no one is learning from these enormously public (and sadly hilarious) mistakes. Really, what is it about Twitter and Facebook that seem to get people and brands in trouble so often?
That’s why we, along with our sister agency, Socialogic, are providing this handy reference guide to social media gaffes…because if you know your gaffes, you and your brand can avoid them. Like, thinking of sending your mistress an Instagram of a certain, ahem, appendage over a public social media platform? Don’t. Want to vent some steam by spewing a string of obscenities to thousands following your large automotive brand on Twitter? Maybe, think twice.
Find some of these stories too surreal to be true? Believe it. We’ve got the links to prove it. Prepare to be shocked, saddened, and left in stitches by our Top 11 Social Media Gaffes.
11. Avoid sending out pictures of genitalia on Twitter.
10. Make sure your Facebook birthday party invitation is private.
9. Don’t use violent, international conflicts to sell clothes.
8. Swear words are never a good idea, especially when used to mock the city your brand is praising in a new campaign.
7. Unless you’re in the adult industry, keep your posts PG-rated.
6. If you’re a grown adult, post like it.
5. Never ever tweet while drunk.
4. No matter how famous you are, an offensive or insensitive tweet can get you fired.
3. Who you follow says a lot about you (to homeland security).
2. Keep corporate social and personal social media accounts separate.