That’s our sweet spot.
It’s not rocket surgery. Intuitively using the data that’s available to us, we can sharpen your marketing focus like never before. With pinpoint accuracy in some cases. Finding someone like you, for example, and serving up a custom ad that only you would see. This isn’t a Philip Dick novel. It’s reality marketing in 2020.
Sharper is better
The problem with most ad buys, even today, is that you end up wasting precious marketing dollars talking to people who either aren’t interested in, or aren’t capable of buying, your ultra-premium performance luxury vehicles.
A better way to reach the elite few is with Radically Sharper Targeting. We’ve pioneered a way to merge data stores for the purpose of identifying high-value targets with both a likelihood of brand interest and a propensity for buying the kinds of vehicles you make. That means more of your marketing budget can be invested in precision-purchased media that has a much higher chance of connecting with the right people at the right time.
Not only that, but today’s data also affords us a glimpse into whether someone is ready to buy, and if so, what kind of message might best appeal to them. So now you’re delivering ads that are every bit as relevant as they are timely.
Time for Plan B?
Plan B is a luxury automotive marketing specialist with over 15 years of experience and expertise delivering proprietary tools that move cars faster. We can supercharge your prospecting, getting farther faster among both current vehicle owners and prospects who aren’t just ready, but able to buy.
Once a vehicle is purchased, Plan B also has the CRM expertise to maintain that relationship and build brand loyalty for future purchases. We can seamlessly team up with your current agency of record or operate independently as your full-service partner. Greater ROI. No long-term contract. That’s a pretty sweet deal.
Let’s put together a test program so we can show you how Radically Sharper Targeting works… pinpointing the people you’re looking for, and making it as easy as possible for them to find you.
Let's get sharper
If you’re ready to talk about Radically Sharper Targeting, connect with Clay Cooper now at 312-222-0303, or via email ([email protected]). If you’d prefer to dig around a little more, we suggest starting with one of the options below.